Punta Arenas rest day
A quiet rest day in Punta Arenas. Nice hotel, good internet and a quiet Sunday.
In addition to being a Sunday, today is also election day. A voting station shown above. Most shops and restaurants also seem closed, though the Unimarc supermarket nearby is open.
Got my standard tasks done: getting laundry done by hotel, cleaned and checked my bicycle and updated blogs. Then time to look around as a tourist.
Not far from here is the Shakelton Bar. No alcohol on election day, but interesting drawings such as this one about the expedition.
Punta Arenas is one place where penguins can show up in computer repair signs, without necessarily meaning linux.
There is a pole dancing school.
Ornate buildings near the town square.
In center of the square is a monument to Ferdinand Magellan. As you know, Magellan was first to sail around the world. He came right past this via a gap known as the Straits of Magellan.
Across the Straits behind the birds and ships is Tierra del Fuego. Tierra del Fuego is an area of islands. We’ll spend four days cycling across the largest island to reach Ushuaia.
Here is schedule for the next four days. Still challenging with ~1/3 of it on dirt, a border crossing, a ferry and some climbing. Add some weather and we have some longer days.
Another photo of the birds.
Three nights of camping, so don’t expect to post photos for this last section until we arrive in Ushuaia. Look forward to this next section.
The end is almost in sight! What an adventure this has been, but I’ll bet you are looking forward to finishing this up.
Hi there Mev, well i have been an ardent follower from day 1 and with just a few days to go,i would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your mega accomplishment, I got to be honest it’s been some adventure for you, Thank you for posting your distance and elevation per day I am sure when I start in June it will be of an enormous help.