HomeCanadaBritish ColumbiaNugget City, 20km west of Watson Lake


Nugget City, 20km west of Watson Lake — 3 Comments

  1. I’ll make some comments here, Mike. First, the bridges look so cool…and they don’t leave much room for anything tall to get under them…that means they are flat to cross! Second…we talked to someone yesterday on the boat into Bergen who had lived in Alaska for a few years. She was surprised you hadn’t met more bears on your cycling trip down the Alaskan Highway…and we are now looking at you as a very brave man. Third…your pictures and blog are piking our interest for Alaska.

    • While I am not complaining, also surprised I haven’t seen bears. The Alaska Highway is mostly cleared of large trees for 50m each side and there is some noisy traffic, so I can see them staying away if food is plentiful elsewhere but still expecting them to inspect camps. I am told by other cyclists that the cleared areas are narrower on the Cassiar and that they saw more wildlife including bears so will still be cautious there.

  2. Beautiful country. The bridges are very interesting – great pictures. Obviously a popular bike route – like the pictures of the bikers you meet along the way. I went on line and looked up Nugget City – they advertise midnight sun and Yudon wilderness. So it looks like you hit the high points,