HomeMexicoOaxacaAsuncion Nochixtlan


Asuncion Nochixtlan — 3 Comments

  1. I’m really enjoying your photos and commentary! Thank you. As I sit at my desk looking at grey skies in Boulder. 🙂

  2. Mike:
    Enjoying your photos and commentary. We spent a month in Oaxaca last March–wonderful city with plenty of opportunities to visit nearby villages by local bus to take in all the arts and crafts offered.
    Marco Polo is a fun place to eat–we had breakfasts there a few times.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Jan A.

    • Thanks for recommendation of Marco Polo, will add to my list. I could see this being a place to spend a month. I did the official tour thing Saturday and we’ll visit some artists villages from our Spanish class on Wednesday and Thursday.