A ride through flat sugar cane country.
Sometimes a hotel has hot and cold water. Sometimes it only had cold. Yesterday was first time a hotel had no water. Apparently, there was an outage in the city. Fortunately, by evening they had solved that issue.
This morning I left middle of Tolua. Passed this combination parking and washing for motorcycles and bicycles. After a few kilometers I was back to the main road.
Noticed the pedestrian overpasses specifically have a sign to let you walk your bike up the ramps.
Pineapple, sugar cane and corn were the predominant crops. Of these, sugar cane was most prevalent.
Near 40km there was a gas station with light house and restaurant. This was good spot for a break.
Interesting to find this sign all in english about poultry and pigs. I see chickens running around all the time, but hadn’t noticed much in way of pigs.
These large “tren caƱero” or sugar cane trains, often have four or five trailers behind. Definitely notice when these pass on the road.
There was a bunch of other tractors and agricultural equipment as well.
This sign shows the choices I had at end of the day. Palmira was my default if the weather was poor. I could either go through large city of Cali or bypass it on road via Candelaria. I decided on the bypass road and at 86km, finished in Candeleria.
I cycled to the park downtown, but ended up coming back to a hotel on the main highway.
Nice statue in the park.
I have a little more of this flat valley left, but soon the road will climb out of the valley again as it continues south via Popayan.