Short ride today to Pisco, next town along the coast.
A few kilometers to exit Chincha and then mostly an agricultural area with small towns. The town of El Carmen had a nice portal with murals that seemed to explain the history.
They were spraying something on the corn.
I am guessing this tower had something to do with irrigation, though not completely certain.
Corn was out to dry, though the birds were also feasting.
The freeway had ended yesterday so smaller road today with a sometimes bumpy shoulder. However, the overall distance was short and at 34 km I was already at the turnoff to Pisco. Went another six kilometers into middle of town.
There is a soccer tournament (FIFA confederation cup) that seems to be a big deal. It was playing in the cafe I had lunch and I’ve seen several other matches with Chile playing on other days.
One of the churches in town.
Otherwise, Pisco is nice small town with shopping street and small square. Not quite as busy as Chincha Alta.
You didn’t mention about the birth of the drink, Pisco Sours. I remember it has something to do with the ban on wine by Spain.